EMF Health-effects Research

Exposure of nerve growth factor treated PC12 rat phenochromocytoma cells to a modulated RF field at 836.55 MHz.

Ivaschuk OI, Ishida-Jones T, Adey WR, Phillips JL

Bioelectromagnetics 18: 223-229 1997


Contractors: Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center, Loma Linda California

Effects on c-fos and c-jun Expression

This study used nerve growth factor (NGF)-treated PC12 pheochromocytoma cells to study the possible effects of RF exposure (836.55 MHz TDMA) on the expression of the immediate early genes c-fos and c-jun.

Cells were exposed for 20, 40 or 60 minutes to an RF signal in a repeating cycle (20 minutes on/20 minutes off) at 0.26, 2.6 and 26 µW/g.

The researchers found no change in c-fos expression at any time point at any of these three power levels. A decrease in the expression of c-jun (average 39 percent) was observed after 20 minutes of exposure at the highest power level (9 mW/cm2), which is in excess of exposure from cellular phones.

Additional Web Notes

Readers should, in general, be wary of Motorola- or Nokia-funded research, but some has clearly been done by top biomedical researchers, as is the case above. However the abstracts from these studies are often written by Motorola's PR department, and the contracts sometimes place limitations on reporting.

Some company-funded studies are difficult to judge in terms of credibility, and some are clearly dubious.

Note: Even when potential problems are found by these scientists (such as the c-jun expression) the Motorola abstract writers hasten to point out that it is "in excess" of a cellular phone -- as if this were more significant than the fact of the expression!

In this case, such a conclusion is an absolute lie.

The abstract states that Ivaschuk found "a decrease in the expression of c-jun [] at the highest power level (9 mW/cm2), which is in excess of exposure from cellular phone"

But power-densities of 9 mW/cm2 in their exposure situtaion produce SARs of only 26 mW/kg, which are far lower than SARs in some parts of the brain when using a cellphone.

These are abstracts written by the PR department. SF.

Note: I've since had confirmation that these words were added to the abstract by Mays Swicord of Motorola, who also insisted on several changes in the abstracts and manuscripts.

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